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InBetter AdvicebyAleid ter Weel10 Things To Do In The Evening Instead Of Watching NetflixDevice-free habits to increase your productivity and happiness.Feb 15, 202229K511Feb 15, 202229K511
InLevel Up CodingbyAlexander NguyenHow I Negotiated my 300k Google OfferI’m currently a software engineer at Microsoft with two years of experience. And it bothers me that I’m paid less than new graduates who…Apr 19, 20221.2K20Apr 19, 20221.2K20
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Ming7 tools for visualizing a codebaseNeed to write a README, but running blank on words? If that bothers you frequently, consider generating diagrams.Apr 2, 20221.2K10Apr 2, 20221.2K10
Alex Ewerlöf (moved to substack)My guiding principles after 20 years of programmingI’ve been programming since 1999. This year I’ve officially coded for 20+ years. I’ve started with Basic but soon jumped into Pascal and C…Jan 22, 20203K25Jan 22, 20203K25
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Jay PhelpsBackpressure explained — the flow of data through softwareBackpressure is something nearly every software engineer will have to deal with at some point, and for some it’s a frequent problem. But…Feb 1, 20195.2K21Feb 1, 20195.2K21
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Sara BurdickWhat Do Most People Regret At The End Of Their Life?My conversations with patients near the end of their lives.Nov 22, 20219.6K151Nov 22, 20219.6K151
InBetter ProgrammingbyCinto6 SQL Queries Every Data Engineer Should Be Aware ofIt might be more than 45 years old, but SQL still gets the job doneOct 7, 20212.4K24Oct 7, 20212.4K24
InBetter ProgrammingbyAlan TrapulionisYou Should Spend More Time Doing Nothing — That’s When You Actually Grow“Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast.”Sep 24, 20216.7K52Sep 24, 20216.7K52
InCreators HubbyScottCDunnHow to Get Addicted to WritingCreation is actually good for you. Do it every day.Dec 16, 20212.6K45Dec 16, 20212.6K45
dtmThe seven most classic solutions for distributed transaction managementThis article summarizes the most classic transaction solutions, and figures out elegant solutions for them.Sep 27, 20213542Sep 27, 20213542
Vivek SinghSystem Design Cheat SheetReference: Tech Dummies , System Design, Netflix, GeeksForGeeksMay 22, 20211.4K7May 22, 20211.4K7
Ankur KumarTop 10 Tips You Should Know As A Modern Software ArchitectWith fast-paced technology evolution, software architecture is evolving each day with new patterns and technology choices. This article…Oct 11, 20215822Oct 11, 20215822
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InLevel Up CodingbyGeorge Francis JrThe Golang Microservice ToolkitFor many years, I considered myself a language-agnostic software developer, as I always prioritized mastering the fundamentals and…Jan 6, 20215935Jan 6, 20215935